New Cooperative Unions Formed in Abuja-FCT, Nigeria
…Basiri-Ireakari-Unity Gegu (BIU) Progressive Cooperative Union Abaji, Kwali Formed
…Also, Unity-Great Vision Progressive Cooperative Union formed as well
In furtherance to the Universal Cooperatives Principle number 6 which stipulates that Co-operatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures. High Chief Awe Rufus M. The Onijebu of Itoto, Ipe-Akoko Ondo State who is the Unions General Manager/Coordinator and President of One of the Newly Formed Cooperative Unions in the FCT spoke to our reporter. He said, “The main reason of forming this Unions is to bring together different Primary Societies to make them stronger and help each other in the area of Finance to meet up their individual Membership needs.”
He further asserted that all Cooperatives have a collaborative goal to help all each other succeed. Cooperative owners knew from early on that the most effective way to strengthen the cooperative movement is by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures. There are many reasons this principle quickly became internationally recognized: the weakness of independent operations and the creation of standard operating practices. Co-operative Principle #6 is Cooperation among Cooperatives.
Highlights at both Inauguration ceremonies were. Lectures and Paper Presentations, Goodwill Messages,, Appointments and Elections of Union Executives and Administrative Staff, Souvenirs and Gifts to Members that invite other people to join their Societies
That’s wonderful one I use this medium to thank our unereble high chief awe for his marvelous and marsieve contribution towards the all the co operative under his control, including the newly union executive of all co operative under him,I pray that God will give him more years ahead, may God bless all the comperator and my dear high chief awe,Oni ijebu of itoto one of ikpe akoko of ondo state