International Credit Union Day: 75th Anniversary to be Celebrated

International Credit Union Day: 75th Anniversary to be Celebrated

…,,75 years is quite a milestone to observe and acknowledge the tireless effort of credit union employees and celebrate our members the world over

The World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) and the US Credit Union National Association (CUNA) are inviting credit unions around the world to participate in the 75th International Credit Union (ICU) day on 19 October. 

The event, this year supported by sponsor Elan Credit Card, offers the credit union movement an opportunity to reflect on its history and celebrate its accomplishments through a range of activities including outreach, volunteering, and fundraising. 

The first ICU day was held in 1948 as a revival of a previous holiday established by US credit unions in 1927 and now takes place on the third Thursday of October.

“This day is internationally recognised as an opportunity to reflect on the movement’s history, promote our collective achievements and prepare for the future,” said Elissa McCarter LaBorde, president and CEO of Woccu.

“75 years is quite a milestone to observe and acknowledge the tireless effort of credit union employees and celebrate our members the world over.”

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This year’s event will emphasise themes of financial wellness and member empowerment, focusing on fostering financial wellbeing for members.

Cuna, Woccu and Elan Credit Card are providing resources for credit unions to use in their engagement activities.

A logo, poster and colouring page can be found on WOCCU’s website, and CUNA is providing free online resources as well as memorabilia and design bundles that can be purchased through its website. 

“Celebrating the 75th anniversary of ICU Day underlines the resilience and dedication of the credit union movement,” said Megan Crowson, manager of Cuna’s Consumer Engagement Solutions.

“We are proud to commemorate this historic milestone in cooperation with the World Council of Credit Unions and America’s credit unions, reflect on our collective achievements and engage with our members around the world in a day of celebration.”

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