CoopSupport Yielded to the ICA-Africa President #CoopsDay Call

CoopSupport Yielded to the ICA-Africa President #CoopsDay Call

…Starts a News Media Platform dedicated to Cooperatives and Cooperators

In response to one of the calls made by the ICA-Africa President High Chief Oriyomi Ayeola prior to the 2023 #CoopsDay, Cooperative Support Services (CoopSupport) Ltd. A wholly Strategic Management Consulting & Advisory Services firm has just virtually launched a News Media Platform dedicated to Cooperatives and Cooperators’ activities,  events, information, and trending thematic issues worthy as news items.

In his statement, Victor Oyegoke, the Principal Consultant & CEO of CoopSupport, has appealed passionately to all stakeholders in the industry, the opinion leaders, professionals, managers, operators, regulators, and policymakers to ensure this becomes sustainable at the long run by providing all necessary support,  information, and news to be disseminated to cooperators and the public/masses as at when due.

He further states that a WhatsApp Group and Community has been created for all interested Cooperative Stakeholders to join and begin sending information and breaking news that can be easily disseminated to all and sundry within the industry nationally and globally.

To join the WhatsApp Group & Community, click this link

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