Cooperatives Societies Act Under Review

Cooperatives Societies Act Under Review

Lusaka, GAMBIA – Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Alex Mapushi says the New Dawn administration has started reviewing the Cooperatives Societies Act Number 20 of 1998 to make it responsive to modern needs of enterprises.

The Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises Development, through the Department of Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Development and Department of Registration and Regulation, has been conducting countrywide consultations to review the legislation in line with the revised Cooperative Development Policy.

Mr Mapushi said for the economy to grow, there is need to support small-scale business players like cooperatives. He said this at the final stakeholders consultative meeting for Lusaka Province yesterday.
Mr Mapushi said there is great potential in cooperatives, hence reviewing the Act is critical to have business-oriented enterprises.
“However, this can only be achieved when Government provides an enabling environment by having the relevant policies and legislation in place

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